That is a blessing Bolehlanders should rightly be grateful for.
After all, since the time of the the man who loved to do things his own way as the Pm (and apparently still does, minus the crutch of incumbent power), Bolehlanders have constantly been reminded to bersyukur (be grateful) for what the benevolent DUMBno led government has done for the hoi polloi.
And it has done a lot of things - not to be doubted, by the way.
Like balloning the sovereign debt to RM600 billion (more if you took contingent liabilities into account) on the back of 16 years of budget deficits, spending like there is no tomorrow and no end to our natural oil resource.
Possessing little to no idea what economic, fiscal and financial prudence and responsibility mean.
Leading the country to the dubious honour of being one of the perennially most corrupt in the annual world corruption index.
And certainly the country with the world's second largest illicit outflows of funds, second only to China.
The country with one of the most unenviable education systems, with graduates who can't hold a candle to much of the rest of the world's.
Lots of other good things of similar hue too many to enumerate here just to bore the poor readers whom I wager are better informed than yours truly.
Well, that should not come as surprising, given that we have geniuses like this DUMBno luminary
The luminary's lament was very weighted and worthy of a Nobel Prize if only they would award one for fatuity.
30 Ringgit dinner for being called ungrateful and branded traitor to DUMBno's noble cause of selfish service to the nation.
Others call that bribery.
The less sensitive call that corrupt practice.
Now you know why DUMBno is such a noble stand-up comic.
And your quick fix to a dull day.
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