JUST past a month since the 13th General Election, should we concede the results now, and get on with life?
Of course the Umno/Bn administration would just love for this to happen. They even had the King urge it in his royal birthday speech.
Malaysians can understand why the Umno/Bn government is desperate for the opposition and the rakyat to accept the GE13 results.
They won the minority 47% vote to form the government of the day and that is not something any decent person would feel comfortable about, especially not one won on the back of claims of fraud and cheating at the polls, including the alleged use of foreigners to pad the numbers.
But to concede is to sanction the continued hegemony of the 56 year old Malaysian dinosaur in Malaysian politics and in the Federal seat of power, for another umpteen donkey 56 years or more.
For if Malaysians did that - to concede - what is there to prevent the same things from happening in the next general election, and the next and the next....?
Because each time the same old happens in the future, we will be told again to concede and get on with life.
No can do.
Malaysians who feel that they had been cheated of the government they had voted for, must continue to insist that things be put right.
We are not talking about what brand shirt we should choose. We are talking about the government of they day that we want to put in charge of our well being and our future.
Those who had cheated, should know what they had done.
There is no honour winning by cheating.
It should not be a question of you catch me if you can and show proof of it.
It is a question of honour.
Of course, honour seems an extinct creature in the world's oldest profession - politics.
Just in case some think that prostitution is the world's oldest profession, not politics, consider that there is no difference between the two.
One sells the body, the other the soul.
If we concede now, we give away the reason to believe why we must stand for truth and justice. When we concede, we legitimise lies and injustices where 'what is right' and 'what is wrong' is no longer distinguishable. Then it will be too late to say I shouldn't have conceded so easily!