Nobody takes Pm Najib seriously.
Not since, in fact, a long time ago when his 1Malaysia child was crippled by a wicked whack on the back by non other than his trusted deputy who defiantly declaimed that he was a Malay firstly, and only secondly a Malaysian.
Nevertheless, Najib is not a man to be fazed.
He tries and when all else fails, he sweetens you with BR1M one and two.
Still he doesn't learn; he plods on whether or not you take him seriously because he believes in himself.
Which would be all right, except that what he says doesn't match what he does, and this fazes people.
And so, even though he believes in himself, few Malaysians believe in him.
This disconnect drives him even more desperate to say things that he thinks proves himself, because he can't see why Malaysians distrust him when all that he really wants (according to his own belief) is to please them.
So, so soon after saying that he would start a reconciliation process post GE13, he now comes out to defend what many Malaysians see as clearly a racist report in the daily Malaysians have come to call "toilet paper"
He even wants Malaysians to believe that Barisan's poor showing at the polls was owing to a "Chinese tsunami", therefore a racial one, instead of a Malaysian thing.
We see that as more of a convenient excuse to pin the blame on others as befits, it seems, Umno's DNA not to see the log in one's eye but the speck of sawdust in others'.
Let me cite the comment of one Ombak who seems more intelligent than the Pm himself, even sans the assistance of a coterie of expensive advisers
"The total votes gained by PR in GE13 is 5.6M compare to 5.2M for BN. Working on % wise, the total votes of the Chinese shall be 22% (est. total population) of 13.3M (total voters) = 2.9M. Then we estimate 65% Chinese votes PR (high figure, as total voters turnouts was est 85%) = 1.88M Chinese votes in PR.
If PR gained 5.6M total vote, then the Chinese votes is around 34%, which means 3.7M or 66% was contributed by others.
This strongly show that others communities are also strong supporters of PR.
The PM is not wise to support the Utusan headline unless, the PM is trying to create issue to divert the rakyat attention away from his own Govt weakness.
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