It seemed that election flags of the opposition planted in the ground within a roundabout in Bangsar had been uprooted and taken by the DBKL (City Hall) enforcement officers while those of the ruling Barsian's were allowed to fly high.
The video below shows the brave residents of Bangsar protesting at the action of the DBKL enforcement officers.
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This could be a street in Dhaka!
No, it is Dhaka in Kuala Lumpur!
There is even a village within the Dhaka in KL called Kampung Myanmar (Myanmar Village)!
And even an enclave of Nepalese restaurants and shops if I am not mistaken.
How cosmopolitan!
It was, once upon a time, downtown Kuala Lumpur, just across from China Town.
Today China Town or Petaling Street, is quite unrecognisable because of the number of foreigners there.
We used to lepak (hang out ) at Mydin (then Metrojaya) and the nearby Kota Raya complex, but nowadays we feel like foreigners in our capital city and fearful of our safety to boot, especially on weekends and public holidays when downtown KL is practically taken over by the foreigners.
Thanks to Barisan, Kuala Lumpur has become an international cosmopolitan city.
Take a look!
You will love it!
I did.
Or head over here to you tube
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