I have just finished reading the e-book "Being God" by Robin J Price.
I am not going to talk about that book. That is not my purpose. For those who are interested in Being God, it was a good trip. But just that. Nothing more.
Everyone wants to experience god or at least to come to some understanding of who or what we are and where are we heading to or what are we doing here.
But who, what is god?
Nobody knows for sure. All we know about god comes from books, traditions, teachings, feelings.
Nobody has seen god. Some claim that they have. Others say they have experienced god. But that is not the same as that god really exists.
But why does god have to exist? Is it necessary? It it a necessity?
And if god does exist, what is god doing? Because we don't see much of what he has done. And still don't see what god is doing apart from people being kaypo.
I mean all the physical things that exist. Because here obviously nobody has seen god create them. We only believe that he did, because we reason that things can't exist by themselves without a creator.
But just because we think that, does that mean that it is - that god exists?
Is it not a contradiction to say that god exists when all that exist also contradict god?
Okay, maybe god is just a contradiction. That is plausible, otherwise we make god a fool and you wouldn't allow this.
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