But for a man who once famously said that a country that could come out with a film like Avatar, it could also come out with a fantasy like 9/11 or something like that, perhaps it is not so surprising after all for Mahathir's views to seem increasingly to border on the fantastical.
His recent post 'Equality Before The Law' in his chedet blog, seems more like a rant against the man whom some say he is most afraid of.
Mahathir did not mention the person by name, only calling him 'a favourite candidate'. But the implication is quite obvious as to whom Mahathir was referring to.
I don't want to go into what Mahathir was trying to say about this favourite candidate, because it sounds like fantastical to me, to say the least.
I want to pick out what he said about law and the equality or lack of before it, because much of what he said about it is true in an ironic sense.
He said
Some people are actually above the law and some are below it, i.e they don't really get the benefit or the protection of the law
He also said
Effectually the law almost always favour the rich and not the poor
How true and especially as some say, since his tenure as the prime minister when the top man in the Malaysian judiciary the Lord President himself and several senior judges were removed in 1988 following some decisions of the court that did not seem to favour his administration then.
He said that some people could in fact literally get away with murder because they could afford to employ 'brilliant and fearsome lawyers'
But the people who could get away, I am afraid, are not the opposition nor the poor. They are the people in power or the people who have connections to the people who have the power. Or the rich.
Not the opposition who are not rich people and of course certainly not the poor.
Thank you Mahathir, even though of course you could not see the irony.
P.S The Malaysain Insider's write on Mahathir's posting.
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Alexandra, thanks for visiting and your comment. I am very delighted that you stopped by. I have just returned from a relative's wedding in Singapore. I am well and wish the same for you. For sure I will visit your blog to read the update!