Time Malaysians who care for the country to vote out PMX Anwar and his so-called Madani Unity government with DAP just a laughable passenger in the farce, no?
And vote in people like Siti Kasim as the PM.
Time Siti Kasim and like-minded fellow Malaysians form a third force and run for election.
PMX's so-called Madani government is no different from previous administrations except on rhetorics.
Small talks here and there but little or no efforts at all in taking decisive action against the toxic racial baitings and religious polemics that seem to come thick and fast these days that create unease and distrust among the multi-racial, multi-cultural and multi-religious populace.
If we allow things to go on as usual, the country might soon become a Taliban or Taliban-like administration when PAS takes over, no again?
Even when it comes to PMX's so-called staunch anti-corruption stand, we see inconsistencies where certain parties get away with puzzling DNAAs (discharge not amounting to acquittals)
Time for a truly radical change where politicians are answerable to the people not to themselves loh!
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